Gardening Fact or Fiction Series #2

Our next three myth busting topics are all about soil.

Myth #4

Adding sand to my Tennessee clay soil will help with drainage

Fiction! If you need some concrete to pave a driveway, this is the way to make it but it adding sand to your garden will turn the soil into a brick! Clay soil is made of very fine particles that compact easily. When you add in sand, the clay finds its way into the gaps, compacts it further and inevitably smothers and kills the roots of your plant. The key to loosening clay soil is compost!

Myth #5

More compost is better than less

Fiction! I am a huge proponent of compost. Nothing is better for building soils structure and health but, we need to think about the effects of compost in excess. One Mushroom-Compostof the best things about compost is its ability to aerate clay soil because of its larger particles but, when we add in too much compost aeration actually becomes a problem. When soil drains too well it can’t retain moisture so, when we go through periods of drought you may find yourself continuously watering! Always, always, always use compost but try to keep a ratio of about two yard of soil to one yard of compost.

Myth #6

Adding coffee grounds to your soil lowers ph and helps acid loving plants

Fact and Fiction!  Yes, coffee grounds are a great way to lower soil Ph over time but remember, they are a pure source of carbon and as we know, carbon will tie up nitrogen in the soil. If you want to add coffee grounds its better to do so a little at a time.