Smokin’ Hot! 5 plants that love the heat!

Let’s be honest, by August it’s not just us humans who are getting weary of the heat, many of our plants are begging for some relief as well! But what if we told you that there are a few perennials out there that just love this weather and actually thrive in it!

That’s right! Let’s take a look at a few heat tolerant winners to add to your garden.

Delosperma , commonly known as an Ice Plant will add a cool spray of color to your garden on those sweltering days!  Not only are they long blooming and easy care but they are also deer and pest resistant and love humidity! And, don’t get me started on the colors! Just WOW!

Kniphofia, also known as the Poker Plant, has attractive grassy foliage and explosive colorful blooms throughout the summer that hummingbirds and butterflies adore. Not only that but, they are deer and rabbit resistant too!

Gillardia, with the common name Blanket Flower, blooms heavily from summer to fall.  There are so many bright colors to choose from including, yellows, reds and oranges.  Butterflies love them and they work in the ground as well as in pots!

Lantana is a favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds that are attracted to the pink, orange and yellow, blooms that just keep going through the heat all the way to frost.  The Miss Huff variety is a perennial that reaches 3 to 6 feet tall and wide and, it’s deer resistant too!

Russian Sage is a summer favorite with tall, wispy spikes and clusters of lavender blue flowers.  This beautiful perennial grows from 2 to 4 feet tall, and blooms from midsummer through fall! Russian Sage wins the trifecta as drought, deer and rabbit resistant!!

So don’t let the heat get you down. Pop of few of these beauties into the garden and bring on the heat!