We Plan You Plant

We Plan, You Plant is our consultative service to offer more detailed help planning your DIY landscape project.

Our designers will devote up to one hour of design and consultation time to provide you with assistance you need to make your project a success. Our service includes a hand drawn sketch including those plants best suited for the location, as well as advice on best planting practices and maintenance. Our consulting service is free but, we do require that you purchase a $250 gift certificate good toward the purchase of your project materials. Your gift certificate should be purchased prior to your appointment and can be purchased over the phone or in person.

If you need more extensive design services, you can schedule an appointment with our landscape division (fee basis with designs starting at $1,000 and up) by calling (865) 481-3825.

Please refer to the steps below to set up a one-hour consultation.

We Plan, You Plant-Get your hands dirty… its good for you!

Before Meeting With Your We Plan You Plant Planner

We Plan, You Plant is a service designed to cover one specific project area. To maximize your time with our designer we ask that you provide us with some basic information about your project before scheduling.

  • Fill out the form and upload photos of your project. You will need to take measurements of the area, determine how many hours of sunlight the area recieves, and at what point in the day it receives sunlight.
  • After reviewing the information, one of our designers will call to set up an appointment and ask any additional questions about the area. You will also purchase your gift certificate at that time.

  • When you arrive for your appointment, your designer will walk you through the sketch they have prepared and show you all the recommended plants. This is your opportunity to ask questions or discuss any adjustments you might want to make.

  • At the completion of your consultation, we will provide you with your customized plan as well as all the information you need to maintain your plants.
  • Finally, sit back, and enjoy your success and remember we are always here to answer your questions and help you create your next garden project!


Willow Ridge Garden Center & Landscaping Showcase

Have a question?

Not sure if this is the right service for you, but you’re ready to start a project? Upload your photos and we’ll get in touch with a scheduled consultation.