Buzz off! Plants that help repel mosquitoes!

Are mosquitoes putting a damper on your back yard fun? Not only are they an incredible nuisance, they are also a health concern to humans and pets and, none of us want to keep layering Deet on our bodies so, let’s look at a natural way to keep mosquitoes out of our personal bubble! Plants!!!

Scented Geranium, also known as Citronella, is the most commonly known plant for repelling mosquitoes.   The lemon-scented geranium has thick, fibrous leaves and will grow 24-36″ tall if planted in full sun.  Citronella is a drought tolerant annual that can be planted in the ground or in pots around your paLocal Landscaping Servicestio. While you are enjoying your party, occasionally give the plant a little brush with your hand to release the oils. It’s these oils that emit the smell that mosquitoes hate!

Lemon Grass is actually an herb that is used in tea and Thai cooking which has a strong lemon scent that is a deterrent to mosquitoes.   Lemon Grass is an Annual that can grow up to 4-6′ tall in full sun. Just like Citronella, it can be planted in the ground or in containers and also release their deterring oils when brushed with your hand.

Lavender is a perennial herb that has dense gray foliage. It does best in full sun and needs a very well draining soil as they do not like wet feet! We love the smell of Lavender but Mosquitoes do not!

Artemesia which is also known as Wormwood is an interesting foliage plant and also a woody perennial. It grows into a fragrant, bright, silvery, lacey mound.  Artemesia is heat tolerant, grows in full sun and depending on the variety can grow 3′ tall by 4-5′ wide.  The lightly fragrant leaves deter Mosquitoes!

Basil does double duty as a fantastic herb in the kitchen as well as a mosquito repellant! Basil prefers full sun and moist well draining soil.  Planted in the garden or in pots, Basil is a winner!

Marigolds are another double whammy plant.  They bloom early summer until frost in full sun and not only deter mosquitoes but attract beneficial pollinators!  

Catmint is a beautiful perennial that has fragrant lavender-violet flowers and aromatic foliage that mosquitoes find repulsive.  They do best in full sun and flower from early summer through the first frost.

Rosemary with its green, leathery and very aromatic leaves are great at keeping mosquitoes away.   Plant them in a full sun where they will stay dry during the winter months.  

Ageratum is a beautiful, fragrant little purple annual flower that we normally see in flower beds and containers. It does best in full sun and not only repels mosquitoes but also attracts butterflies!

Mint is great for Mojito’s and Mosquitoes! Keep them away while enjoying a glass of sweet tea laced with the herb that they hate! Plant mint in full sun but use caution as mint spreads like wildfire, and once established can take over a bed with lighting speed!

So come over to the garden center and lets design a Mosquito repelling garden just for you!