The centerpiece of Christmas decorations is the tree. It’s time to buy the perfect Christmas tree and there are many choices. Many families buy a Living Christmas Tree each year and plant it after the holidays. This is a nice way to recall certain Christmases for years to come.

Care Inside The House

At Willow Ridge Garden center we have found that Norway Spruce make the best living Christmas tree. They transplant well and tolerate being brought into the house for a few days. When bringing your balled and burlaped tree into the house, you will need a large waterproof container. Situate it away from heat ducts. The tree will need to be watered every few days and placing a couple handfuls of ice cubes on top of the root ball is an easy way to keep it moist while in the house. We recommend not leaving your tree in the house more than 5-7 days.

Care Outside The House

The live tree should be planted as soon as possible after the holidays. This can be a family learning experience! Dig your hole about 6” wider than the root ball but no deeper than the original soil line (the top of the root ball). With the burlap and string still on, place the plant into the hole leaving root ball a couple inches above the soil line. Cut the string from around the trunk and pull back the extra burlap and trim it off. Mix some soil conditioner (finely ground pine bark) with the soil you dug out of the hole and then backfill with the mixture, lightly tamping it around the root ball. Water your tree well so it is ready for root growth this winter. Apply a 2-3” layer of mulch around at soil level.

Norway Spruce make a wonderful evergreen privacy screen, a large corner yard accent, or an excellent windbreak. They grow 35-50’ tall and 25’ wide at maturity, so plan accordingly when locating this tree in your yard. Large evergreens will attract wildlife and are invaluable to birds year round. Many birds will nest in it, seek shelter in it, and feed on the seeds from their cones.

Environmentally speaking a LIVING CHRISTMAS TREE is obviously the best tree choice. You should consider using and planting a live Norway Spruce this holiday season and enjoy it for years to come. The earth thanks you, your yard thanks you, your future self thanks you! Visit Willow Ridge Garden Center today to pick out your next great tree.

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